How to make your own augmented reality simulation in Unity using Vuforia?

augmented reality simulation in Unity using Vuforia

You get a lot of Augmented Reality in games and probably you should also know how to create one. We have a made a simple and a quick free unity 3D scripting tutorial for you to get started in no time. We are going to make this AR effect using Vuforia.

First, you must update the latest vuforia plug-in from their site and create a custom image of the target from . Now download target as a unity package and import the plug-in. Create an empty game object and attach “Image Target Behaviour” script.  Set properties of this script Set type to Predefined, Dataset which give you an image name ,Image Target– select name which one when you will create a target.

Now attach  “Image Target Trackable EventHandler” Script.  In “image target trackable eventhandler “script you will change On Tracking Found method and On Tracking Lost method. Add the game object to the empty game object already created and set it on image target. dd AR Camera prefab in hierarchy panel. check load data set and activate.

Augmented reality is being used by a lot of games to create path breaking games. One of them is Ingress. It is surely one of the best strategy games out there and has been developed by Google. Apart from Ingress, Drakerz Confrontation, Pulzar and many more.

Have a great time learning the tutorial. Next time we would take up a Unity 3D game source code for creating infinite 2D map. Cya!

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