Games that make you go Awwwww!!!

We are living in app era where creativity links up with cutting-edge technology for entertainment. In the past, we have enjoyed the attractive graphics on PCs and now is the time when we are enjoying the same on our smartphones, thanks to beautifully designed apps. Every day lots of gaming apps are introduced to the app stores, some of which stick to the heart just because of charming graphics. From such types of apps, we have selected 4 game apps that most of you have in your smartphones and surely addicted to them. Here they are:

  • -> Subway Surfer

Remember the day when you bought a new smartphone, and the game which was the part of your installs on the first day. It was none other than Subway Surfer. The game that lets you collect coins, use trains as your obstacles, vivid cartoon characters to give you a changing experience, and cool looking railway platforms, buildings, houses on roadsides, all are added to one game, revealing a successful masterpiece of mobile game development.

  • -> Cut the Rope

The simple it looks, the higher gaming experience it delivers. A monster is waiting for a fall of food which is possible only when you cut the rope in a right direction, so the candy falls directly in the mouth. The game requires your cleverness. Challenges will be increased as you go on further, demanding a higher level of cleverness at each step. Don’t worry to get motivated as if you fail to feed the monster, he will show-off anger expressions to give enough motivation. You will not receive such a compelling experience from other games.

  • -> Despicable Me

Despicable Me is not a copycat of Subway Surfer. The game delivers a feeling of continuity which other games fail to deliver. Of course, collection of fruits within the way is must by facing obstacles, but as you go further and further, you will enjoy the advance features and functionalities. If you stuck in between, you will return to the same place, eliminating the boredom of passing from same ways again and again, until you reach your destination. Surrounding changing environment will keep you delighted all the time.

  • -> Talking Tom

Talking Tom acts like a friend as he is ready to listen whatever you say and also repeat the same to make you laugh. We don’t like someone who makes the copy of our said words, but here an animal is repeating our words in a silly voice which we like the most. You can also play with Talking Tom by touching his tail, nose, head, feet, on each touch he will display a different action to give you a real toy experience.

If you are a real fan of beautiful designs along with a fun adding functionality, the above games are for you. These games are rich with features, functionalities and eye candy atmosphere to keep you hooked for a couple of hours.

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